Every so often I feel embarrassed that my Face Book photos
dwell almost entirely on my dogs. I periodically change course, put up a photo
I like – what I call an artsy picture – trees, candles, snow scenes – and get
practically no response. A few stalwart “likes” dribble in, but when I switch
back to Niko (or previously, Dover), people show up again, hitting the “like”
button with wild abandon and even leaving a note or two.
I just finished a reading a book called Two Dogs and a Parrot by the well-known and highly-respected
spiritual writer Joan Chittister. She is a writer with a sharp eye for justice
and a deft writing style that makes her one of my heroes. The chapters are
devoted to Danny, a rambunctious, playful Irish setter; Duffy, a golden
retriever who had been groomed for the show ring, but he grew too tall and he
was relegated to an unloved section of the kennel and destined for oblivion
unless he was adopted; and Lady, a colorful and jaunty bird who showed more
human characteristics than I ever thought possible for a bird.
And there it is – each chapter divided into a few of the
dog’s or bird’s characteristic quirks, adventures, and misadventures with reflections on a few implied human counterpart behaviors, followed by a
page or two riff of related spiritual and psychological insights. Some chapter
subheadings are
materialism, play,
and love.
So remember this: Dogs R us. Dogs are everywhere. Love me love my dog.
And, of course, everyone knows that dog spelled backwards is . . . .